A local reporter notes “there were many more than what the government says, obviously”. The state prosecutor released a statement saying that there were 5 people killed in the shooting and 14 injured, of which 12 have been discharged from hospital, however Mexico has a long history of manipulating the media and of journalists being killed. Also, read about the threats to gay bars following the Orlando tragedy. Make sure to read through our post here about how we need more security in gay nightclubs across the world. More information is below from the latter site. While another claims that May 22, the three gunmen entered Madame gay bar in Xalapa – a city in the state of Veracruz and carried out a mass shooting, killing what is believed to be more than 15 people and injuring many others. The Latin American Herald Tribune claims that Gunmen arrived at the Madame club, located on Avenida Lazaro Cardenas, and killed two men inside the nightspot and two others outside. It seems the corrupt government may be covering something up or inaccurate reporting from various websites out of Mexico. We are getting conflicting reports of a mass shooting in Mexico where there was either 4 dead, 15 dead, or more.