Marcia gay harden sexy 2019

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Graduated from the University of Texas with a B.A. Harden’s family frequently moved because of her father’s job, living in Japan, Germany, Greece, California, and Maryland. Harden’s brother is named Thaddeus, as are her father and her former husband. Her performance won her the Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play. She returned to Broadway in 2009 as Veronica in God of Carnage. Harden made her Broadway debut in 1993, starring in Angels in America, for which she was nominated for a Tony Award.

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She earned another Academy Award nomination for her performance as Celeste Boyle in Mystic River (2003). She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. For her performance as artist Lee Krasner in the 2000 film Pollock. She followed this with roles in films including Used People (1992), The First Wives Club (1996), and Flubber (1997). She is one of five children, having three sisters and one brother.

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Her mother, Beverly (Bushfield), was a homemaker, and her father, Thad Harold Harden, was in the military. Marcia Gay Harden was born on August 14, 1959, in La Jolla, California, the third of five children.

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